A few days ago, we lost all products of KD category. All products of KD Category didn't display on front-end. We think the main reason because of Flat_Products is disabled on admin page. So we enabled the Flat_Product and re-indexed?
We are using Elastic Search 6. If we disable Flat_Products, so do we get any errors? Or do this relative to Elastic Search?
1. Disabled Flat_Category and Flat_Products on admin page2. Re-index. Site worked fine
3. Then, the KatieDuke category page didn't display their products.
4. Enabled Flat_Products on admin page, still disabled Flat_Category
5. Re-index. Site worked fine.
6. Until now, we didn't receive the error yet
Flat tables are not related to Elasticsearch - furthermore, it is not recommended in 2.3: https://docs.magento.com/m2/ce/user_guide/catalog/catalog-flat.html
Please disable the Flat tables.
We changed the value from m2staging to m2 on staging site. So maybe this is main reason for missing products of KD category on production site. For now we changed the value to m2staging on staging site.
Did the above changes affect to ElasticSearch or the missing products (on production and staging sites) ? You shouldn't use the same prefix on Staging and Production since they both share the same Elasticsearch instance - the prefix is used to differentiate the search index used by each site.
It's probably the reason why the products disappeared.